Coffee GDPR guide: how to protect personal data during a coffee break?

In the office, where coffee breaks are an integral part of the working day, informal conversations and exchanges often take place. While these moments are a great opportunity to relax and build relationships, they can also pose some data protection risks. What is worth bearing in mind during a coffee break?

Why is this important?

During informal conversations, it is easy to forget the rules for protecting personal information. They can be accidentally disclosed during conversations, left unattended on a desk or unsecured on a computer. It is important to remember the GDPR principles even in the more casual moments of the working day.

What are the risks?

Informal conversations about confidential data. A coffee break is often a time when we discuss a variety of issues, including work. We may inadvertently disclose confidential information, such as client data or project details, in the presence of people who should not have access to it.

Open documents on the desk. When we are in a hurry, we often leave documents containing personal information on our desks, such as customer lists, contracts or interview notes. Even leaving the workstation for a short period of time can create a risk of them being viewed by unauthorised people.

Unsecured computers. When we go out for a break, we may leave computers open and unsecured, allowing outsiders to access confidential information.

Example from life

A major data protection incident occurred at a large corporation. During a coffee break, an HR employee left a file open on his desk, containing details of employees' salaries. Another employee, casually passing by, noticed the documents and took a picture of them with his mobile phone. Later, these photos found their way onto social networks, causing serious problems within the company, including the loss of employee trust and having to face the legal consequences of breaching GDPR regulations.

What can you do?

Lock your documents. Make sure all documents containing personal information are locked in a drawer or cupboard before you leave for a break. This will help you avoid accidental disclosure of information.

Secure your computer. Always lock your computer before you leave your desk, even if you are only leaving for a short while. A simple press of a key combination (e.g. Windows + L) can effectively secure your data.

Watch out for conversations. During coffee breaks, avoid discussing confidential information where it can be heard by unauthorised people. Try to talk about professional matters in a general and non-disclosive way.

Raise awareness. Encourage colleagues to comply with data protection rules. Keeping your data safe together can significantly reduce the risk of data leakage.

Coffee breaks are an important part of the working day, but let's remember that data protection doesn't end when we take a break from our duties. Keeping information secure should be our priority at all times.

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Administratorem Twoich danych jest ODO 24 sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (03-812) przy ul. Kamionkowskiej 45. Twoje dane są przetwarzane w celu świadczenia usługi biuletyn informacyjny na zasadach określonych w Regulaminie ŚUDE. Więcej informacji na temat procesu przetwarzania danych osobowych oraz przysługujących Ci praw uzyskasz w Polityce prywatności.
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