Data security in social media

Is using Facebook a daily occurrence for you? If so, you may have heard that the mysterious corners of hacker forums came to life when a database with the data of 533 million users of this platform, including as many as 2.5 million of our compatriots. emerged. In the era of digital revolution, such incidents bring the issue of protecting our data to the fore. Are we really safe online?

The enormous amount of private data currently stored on servers is a sufficient motivation for hackers to gain access to these data. On the other hand, the data security of the users of portals depends on their level of awareness of the risks involved. The Personal Data Protection Office has decided to remind you of several rules that should be followed to minimise the risks associated with the use of social media:

  • use strong passwords – a password generator can be used for this purpose;
  • use two-factor authentication – first provide your login and password, and then confirm logging in with external token;
  • do not log in on unknown devices;
  • use different passwords for different portals and systems, in which a password manager can help;
  • do not use an untrusted Internet connection (public hot spots).

If you suspect that your data may have been leaked, react immediately by changing your password as soon as possible, while observing the rules for creating a complex password.

The same password for Facebook and work email = huge risk

Remember to distinguish between private and business access, as in the latter case you risk not only you risk not only your own privacy, but also that of the entity for which you work. Set passwords using different patterns, and let the created passwords be diverse. Take care of your privacy and, at the same time, protect the personal data processed on behalf of your employer.

Czytaj także:

Najczęstsze błędy przy zawieraniu umów powierzenia
Administratorem Twoich danych jest ODO 24 sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (03-812) przy ul. Kamionkowskiej 45. Twoje dane są przetwarzane w celu świadczenia usługi biuletyn informacyjny na zasadach określonych w Regulaminie ŚUDE. Więcej informacji na temat procesu przetwarzania danych osobowych oraz przysługujących Ci praw uzyskasz w Polityce prywatności.
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Administratorem Twoich danych jest ODO 24 sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (03-812) przy ul. Kamionkowskiej 45. Twoje dane są przetwarzane w celu świadczenia usługi biuletyn informacyjny na zasadach określonych w Regulaminie ŚUDE. Więcej informacji na temat procesu przetwarzania danych osobowych oraz przysługujących Ci praw uzyskasz w Polityce prywatności.
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